Lawn Renovation: How To Renovate Without Digging

September is the ideal month for lawn renovation. The soil still has a good essential temperature, the hot, dry phases are over, and the lawn has plenty of time to regenerate before next summer.
Unfortunately, many lawn owners still hesitate to renew their “lawn” areas because they fear the high costs of digging up but this can be done by some companies like Earth Development amongst others without much cost. The lawn renewal system from WOLF-Garten without digging has been around for over 2 decades.
The following are decisive for the success of this lawn renewal system:
- the exact adherence to the work steps
- the use of the best lawn seeds
- the good nutrient supply of the young grasses optimized follow-up care
The five steps of lawn renovation
- Mowing
When the lawn is renewed, the old lawn should be weakened as much as possible so that the new grasses have the best opportunities to start and develop. To do this, the old lawn is first mowed down as deep as possible in the lowest cutting setting of the lawnmower. The cuttings are entirely removed. Bear in mind that this has professionals like Earth Development for instance that can work on it.
- Scarifying
The short lawn is now thoroughly scarified, several times lengthways and crossways. The more thoroughly this is done, the better because this is the only way the new lawn seeds get in contact with the ground everywhere and have good germination and development conditions.
- Application
In the third step, the starter fertilizer and the special lawn seeds are distributed evenly over the prepared area, one after the other. This works best with a spreader because the more evenly spread, the better the result. You can avoid incorrect spreading caused by confusing the lanes by spreading the fertilizer lengthways and the seeds crosswise. Make sure that the spreader settings are correct. You avoid scattering gaps by overlapping the wheel tracks.
- Covering
To ensure that the seeds are well connected to the soil, peat or another unfertilized substrate is now evenly distributed over the sown area with the lawn rake, a maximum of 0.5 cm thick. In this way, the seeds are protected mainly from being washed away and eaten by birds. In addition, when peat is dry, its light color indicates that the lawn needs to be watered again.
TIP: Please do not use bark humus or soil containing wood or bark (compost soil) to cover the sowing, as the tannic acids contained therein can inhibit or even prevent the germination of the grasses.
- Watering
The germination of the various lawn grasses in a mixture takes 1 to 3 weeks. Since the seedlings cannot yet meet their high-water requirements with a perfect root system, a regulated water supply is decisive for success during this time. During the first 3 to 4 weeks, the upper soil layer must always contain enough moisture so that the sensitive lawn seedlings do not dry out. Therefore, watering must be carried out four to five times a day for about ten minutes in dry weather. After four to seven days, you will see the first result in the form of delicate, green little straws. Even so, you must now continue watering continuously.